Q: What about you will make you an interesting roommate? A: My wide range of music from country, pop, rap and alternative. I could pretty much get along with anyone's music. I also have a Backstreet Boys T-shirt hanging on my wall. Pretty interesting, huh? Q: How would someone who really knows you describe your best traits? A: Trevor is outgoing, animates, funny, thoughtful. He's a great performer and he's always in a good mood. Q: How would someone describe your worst traits. A: He's kind if irresponsible and a little dirty when it comes to papers around his room. Q: Describe your most embarrassing moment in life. A: I was 16 and I am a very popular guy in school and some of us were practicing for power puff cheer leading after school. A a bunch of people were watching and I did a leg kick and fell on my butt. Q:describe your fantasy date. A: My fantasy women and I take a plane, just the two of us, with a candle light dinner and flying over the Virgin Islands. Q: What was the last unusual, spontaneous and exciting outing you instigates for you and your friends? A: A turnaround trip to Las Vegas. It was 10 o'clock and we weren't doing anything and I threw out the idea of Vegas and we all got up and went. Q: Who is the most important person in your life right now? A: My father. He is the reason I'm here...I just know my time with him is valuable. He's been working two jobs since my Mom doesn't have a job. He works from 5:00 am to 11:00pm everyday but Sunday. Q: Describe a major event that's affected your family. A: My mother had a heart attack on Feb 3, 1999 and then another on Mother's Day,(May 10). It has helped our family realize how quickly one can be gone and it has made our love so strong. Q: What's your greatest fear? A: Losing either of my parents. I love them both and they've been such a big an inspiration on my life. I don't know what I'd do without them. Q: If you had Aladdin's lamp and three wishes, what would they be? A:1.My parents to see me live a full life 2. To be a finalist 3. To have fame |